Health WAN alignment
Consolidation of the network has improved the security, reliability and performance that’s critical for a large health organisation to deliver its services.
ICT and digital transformation services
Consolidation of the network has improved the security, reliability and performance that’s critical for a large health organisation to deliver its services.
Initially engaged by this financial services institution to prepare a contact centres benchmarking study, Frame’s engagement was extended to provide independent input, review and advice for the RFP for contact centre services.
Frame developed an IT infastructure plan, with a compelling set of recommendations and a practical roadmap, for evolving this university’s IT infrastructure.
A strategy was developed for multiple technology and service towers, comprising a strategic sourcing plan and detailed financial analysis.
By developing an ICT infrastructure investment plan and business case, Frame helped this health organisation with its immense ICT infrastructure program.
Re-engineered processes assisted a high-profile government program to substantially reduce the volume of manual work involved and improve efficiency and accuracy.
The communications infrastructure for a new research and teaching centre, on the campus of one of Australia’s top universities, was designed and implemented by Frame.
Understanding the relationship between property, technology and data centre facility infrastructure, Frame was sought for this consulting assignment.
This data centre virtualisation project led to a Health Infrastructure as a Service (HIaaS) environment and HIaaS-first policy.
Frame developed a strategy for the bank’s data centre facilities, with a financial model and implementation roadmap through to 2025.
The Army Information Management Plan provides the clarity to address issues related to storing and managing its information.
A financial model that allowed for provision of services and ongoing maintenance based on full cost recovery within 5 years from commencement of deployment.