Reliance on mobile networks for day-to-day activities and business is increasing exponentially. There are two main technologies that can be deployed to achieve in-building mobile coverage: small cell and DAS. But which is the right technology for your situation?
Articles about: connectivity; mobility; the IoT
Personal privacy, the Internet of Things, big data, the quantified self and IPv6. Plus, why I’ll probably go off the grid when I retire.
Good governance, policy and legislation will assist, but I’m not seeing any international commitment to protecting an individual’s privacy. I don’t have an answer, but I do know that we need to have the conversation — and have it quickly.
The Internet of Things (IoT), what it can do and its worrisome side
With the increase of connected devices and the automation of most everyday processes in business and everyday life, the IoT’s evolution and integration is inevitable.
Tech.Bit: What’s the deal with internal VLANs?
Defining internal VLANs, what they do, plus the problems and safety measures to be aware of.